Wednesday, June 9, 2010

From Level 4 to Level 5: Please Mind the Gap

What's with the plunge in scores from one level to another? Of course, if you're prepared, then chances are your scores won't be affected.

The differences:

Level 4:
handstand, fall to flat back on a large mat

Level 5:
front handspring over the vault table (as my dear friend Danielle knows from experience, the transition to front handsprings is not always easy!)

Level 4:
-the entire routine takes place on the low bar
-features the much-loathed mill circle
-no kips

Level 5:
-two kips
-half of the routine takes place on the high bar
-requires swinging
-no more mill circle!

Here the differences aren't so vast. The choreography and skills are quite similar, with Level 5 requiring a cartwheel and higher standards for the skills brought over from the Level 4 routine.

Level 4:
-the routine moves up and down in a straight line
-small amounts of dance
-roundoff back handspring

Level 5:
-the routine moves all around the floor
-much more choreography
-front handspring
-roundoff two back handsprings

Some gyms start their teams at Level 5. Based on the leaps between the two levels, I can see the rationale.

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