Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another treatise on motivation

(but not lack thereof -- at least, not today).

We have six weeks until the state championships. That's a long stretch without a competition. How do we keep the girls fresh and interested, not burned out, while still perfecting their skills on the way to States? How do we, the coaches, not get bored?

Here's what seems to work so far:

  • Switching up events: Greg and I decided to swap events. I haven't coached the older girls on bars since the compulsory days. Alas, since they no longer need to be spotted for every skill in their routines, I can watch and crack down on connections, form, casts, the finer things in life. Meanwhile, Greg goes to beam to create tiny dancers. It throws the girls off a little. It's nice.
  • Mixing in new skills: As flexibility in jumps and leaps continues to make me weep internally, those must be done every day. But new skills are at the end of the tunnel. "Practice back handsprings on the line," I say to quiet Christina, who looks surprised yet intrigued.
  • Rearranging the order: If it seems like a process is working, I still like to mix it up and have the girls practice skills at different points in the workout.
  • Prospects of glory: Because who doesn't like a pep talk about potential medals and trophies?

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